Friday, August 21, 2009

Day 37 - 5 Weeks

Friday, 21 August 2009
I turn 34 today. Anti-climactic.

It's five weeks post-surgery. My right eye still continues to heal. It's been dry and irritable all week long. There is improvement from last week: Last week, reading street signs was blurred with my right eye. There was still enough ghosting where the lettering was not coming in clearly. This week, the lettering on signs and license plates has come into focus. I'm still seeing some ghosting, but things are slowly but surely sharpening up. It's also becoming easier to sit at my computer at work throughout the day. Not completely headache free, but easier. My vision fluctuates throughout the day. It goes in and out of focus when my eyes are tired. Mornings are the worst. Right after I wake up I apply the cocktail of Lotomax and Restasis. The combination makes my vision blurry. It takes a good 45 minutes for that to absorb and for my vision to click back into place. The artificial tears continue to work wonders. I'm now applying them almost exclusively to my right eye. My left eye feels and looks completely normal now.

One very nice bonus to all of this is that I have not yet had to start taking allergy medicine again. Not only are my eyes clear and uninflamed, but I'm not sneezing or otherwise reacting to allergies. I'm hoping that this is a permanent development!


  1. How are your eyes doing now? Has your right eye healed completely yet?

    I am scheduled to have my prk in a couple of weeks. I enjoye reading your story.

  2. How has your right eye progressed?

  3. How did everything finally turn out/??
