Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day 3 - Blurry world

Saturday, 18 July 2009
Saturday was a very blurry day. I slept most of it. My eyes had begun healing, and it slurped a lot of energy out of me. Saturday was also the last day of halfway decent recovery before my vision went completely south. This was the first and last day that I caught glimpses of near-perfect vision through my new corneas. By now, the corneal epithelium has begin to regrow, so as the day progressed, it became increasingly hazy.

I was well warned that my vision would get worse before it would get better. When the epithelium regrows, the cells migrate from the outside of the excised area toward the center. Since the center of the regrowth conveniently lies directly over the pupil, said migration wreaks havoc on one's vision for a bit. This process began today, but didn't really accelerate until late Sunday.

Some interesting observations about early vision recovery today: Night vision was seriously whacked. The right eye wasn't too bad with night vision artifacts, but the left eye produced all sorts of wacky halos and starbursts. Thankfully, these artifacts disappeared with time, but they were freaky and troubling when I first noticed them.

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